Saturday, July 23, 2011

Helpers & Progress

We have really cut into the pile and crap in the past few days.  Thanks, in large, to some dam fine workers which we don't have on payroll....  Nevertheless Joel and Cohen were out for 70 mins loading a hay rack with me.  We can put so many more tires on one of them, as compared to a hay wagon.  The rack would hold well over 300, if not 400, whilst the wagon about 120.  We even crushed a few tires for the hell-of-it!  Why not...  Thanks buddy!
My mom, her husband John, and their dog Copper made it out for a great 90 minute clean up session too.  We filled a second hay rack with tires, and scraped up a great load of odd and end scrap steel lying about.  Their help was fantastic.  Charlie, our neighbour popped over as well and touched a few tires - just because perhaps....  It obviously seems like the in-vogue thing to do out there.  Hell, we crunched a few more rims - just because again.  They all got a kick out of the machine and its massive destruction abilities.

The biggest help, biggest by far has been Shelly's dad Barry.  He has wrestled and fought with plenty of tires over the past 96 hours.  He hasn't once cursed the gods of volcanized rubber yet.  He has a steadfast work ethic which no amount of bugs, heat, dirt or circumstance has tarnished his spirit.  If it wasn't for him, progress would barely be, but in fact we are truly getting somewhere...  Atta boy Barry!

So for now, we are going to hang onto the tires for a week or so and look into getting an 80 cent bounty on each tire that is offered from the Ontario Gov't through a recycling program.  Dumps and other various places get it as a holding fee until the tires can be properly recycled and used for something else.  So we figured why not us?  We looked into it, but a slimeball owner of one such depot refused to give up the goods on the contact number we need to call to look into this venture.  We tried to work a deal with him in that he'd give us 25 cents or so per tire, but he was a bit hesitant....  So we'll look into it ourselves and go for the full eighty!  Why not?

Anyhow - anyone know how to put an old, piece of crap Massey 2705 into reverse?  That is our problem right now.  I can't reverse the tractor into the pile to start crushing again! 

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