Monday, December 12, 2011


We have been well settled and adjusted to life on Quebec Street....  Yes, there has been a lot of changes.  But that is the way it goes I suppose.

Sure there have been sleep issues and cranki-ness, but Shelly was usually like that anyway...

Molly is hanging in there like a champ - She has pulled a few great sleep sessions, eating well, not too fussy.  All in all it is probably pretty normal 5 week old behaviour.

One of the biggest adjustment is all of the extra "stuff" around the house.  We have and incredible amount of clothes, blankets, onezies, and the like = It would seem like were raising a brood like the Octo-Mom or Kate Plus 8 does - But alas, it is just Molly and she has drapery that is outlandish.  While saying that, 95% of it has been gifted or donated, so we are very thankfully to the generousity of our friends/co-workers/relatives who are so thoughtful.  But WOW!

Deer hunting ended this past Sunday.  I was shamefully skunked.  This past Tuesday I turned on a doe that was about 20 feet away from me and through some trees.  We locked eyes for 20 - 30 seconds....  Its innocent looks had no effect on my decission to pull the trigger of the Mossberg 930.  As I raised the gun, it unbelievably stood still...  I fired and missed.  I fired again, and missed again.  Shame.

Periodically I went out again through the week.  There were no sightings.  On Saturday and Sunday morning I went out with Bill, Ted, and Larry.  We hit an area hard, only to be let down even harder with no sightings.  Larry and I would go out once more on Sunday night.

Just before 5:00 I heard rustling in the bushes 110 yards across the field.  10 minutes later, a nice buck ambled out in the open.  It was pretty far away, but walking towards me.  It was sniffing the air and I raised my gun.  The flourescent bead was fixed on my target.  It plodded more slowly, but still in my general direction.  My heart was racing a bit, but nothing to great because of my overall fitness and superb cardio-vascular stamina.  In haste, I took my shot.  Another miss.  The buck was gone.  Deer hunting season is done.

Well after a very busy weekend Molly and I were very tired so we hit the couch for a bit of a rest.  She doesn't eat meat yet anyway...

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