Sunday, June 4, 2017

Invasion of the Shriner's

I don't know how it came to be, but there must have been a big southwestern Ontario Shriner's gathering in town this weekend.  They partied and paraded quite jubilantly on Saturday afternoon starting only a hundred metres or so from the house.  Other curious neighbours gathered to see them off on their loop of the square as I did.

There wasn't one lady to be seen in the lot.  Evidently women aren't or can't become a member of the order.  However it is a fraternity..  But what a shame...  All the little Honda dirt bikes and four wheelers, the Aladdin-like shoes, the dune buddies and fire trucks.... All the neat toys and gizmos.  They had a clown brigade too.  There were a few different bands playing.  It all sort of takes one to the middle east or off to Morocco.  Totally Lawrence of Arabia type atmosphere, but in Goderich.

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