Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Just Keeping Up

I haven't been up to too much lately.  Not even running.  No running really whatsoever.  I maybe ran 3 or 4 times in October, about 15 in November, and just once in December so far.  I just may have retired and given it up for good.  I haven't been feeling to swell out on the trails and putting one foot in front of the other.  So I don't know.  I try, half-heartedly, but no real good feelings come about.  I will miss it.  I do enjoy it.  But I don't quite care for feeling all beat up and feeling terrible whilst doing it.

Other then that things are good.  Molly's fifth birthday came and went with little fan fair during the month.  She had a bit of a a party.  She had some friends over and there were some balloons and cup cakes and all of that.  She has really gotten into swimming and can basically "swim" for whatever the is worth for five years old.  She jumps in the deep end of a pool and can swim 5m or so to the side.  I think that is pretty good.  She can get right under the water and pull two strokes I figure before she has to take a breath....  She really enjoys it too. (The swimming lesson part-of-it.)  In the tub she spazes every time water gets on her face, yet in the pool she can sort of do and underwater handstand and dive down for rings....

Wally had a tough November I suppose.  He really fought every tooth/molar that has been coming in.  He had to take a number of days off of the day-care on account of the pain and inconvenience of these cutting teeth.  He wanted nothing to do with me - mom is absolutely everything in his world; sick or not, but he seems to be much better as I write the recap now.  At the time though it was not so great.

In school my day consists of a lot of physical education.  I take the two kindergarten classes at separate times to the gym, a first grade and second grade split class, as well as a second and third grade split class.  I also take a grade six seven split class.  I try to keep the same theme for a month at a time.  We are right into a dance theme for the month and I have found it kind of enjoyable.  Keep in mind all instruction and modelling is mostly done by yours truly and youtube, and the progression of style has ranged from The Chicken Dance, Mexican Hat Dance, the Macarena, some simple line dancing, square dancing, some simple Tango, Waltzing, the Charleston, and so on.  The older students are getting into a Thriller routine and there is an attempt at a Footloose.  

Shelly is still making lots of those ash beads I wrote of, and playing a ton of music.  She hosted a second annual clothes swap here last night.  I stayed around.  I was hoping some lady would be bringing in a pair of 32x32 Levi's.  I am in need of some jeans.  Much to my surprise no one brought anything close to that size.  I laid the law down to those in attendance that any and all beat-up old Lancer track gear was definitely off limits - stay out of my drawers!

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