Thursday, January 24, 2019


A few weeks ago Wally slayed his fourth birthday.  Shelly and I weren't all that impressed as it was just after the holiday hustle and bustle, but that will be the way it is for him with an early January date.  It was just more toys, basically, and more wrapping paper and more people and more, more more....  Oh well, we had a relatively simple party.  He really wanted to have lots of Transformers around - it is his favourite go-to toy these days.

Shelly splashed together the cake, we had some pizza, the kids played and fought, it was a typical affair.
There hasn't been much of winter this year.  There isn't a whole lot of snow, it hasn't been too cold.  There is no consistency in winter yet.  For example we've got out to go tobogganing one day, but the next day it rained.  There has been a few in climate weather days with school cancellations, but I am not really too sure of the reason because it has been fine out for the most part.  I think I have only shoveled the driveway 1 or 2 times.  But I did use the snowblower once for a pretty big 10 cm dump.   I don't get it.  During December it rained and thunder stormed a few times, and there was lightning.  A person who I work with and farms, said that after such an event like that it means 6 weeks of an open winter.  Sure enough she hasn't been too far off.

Molly and Mia are best of friends and best of enemies.  They are 4 months apart, are in the same class at school, and are as inconsistent as the weather this winter with their behaviour and love for one another.  But where we go, Mia usually comes along.  If Molly isn't home, she'll be at Mia's.
Wally invited this guy Bennett to his birthday.  Their love of long blonde locks make these two nearly identical.  Their birthdays are only a couple weeks apart as well.  As the story goes, Bennett's grandmother was charged with the day care pick up and she grabbed Wally to take home!  (They go to the same day care.)  Both boys could use a haircut, but the long hair has served Trevor Lawrence, Samson and Joel Wright well, so maybe there is something to it.   They do look alike though.

Other then Molly, we all have a great deal to look forward to on February first.  It will be pretty easy to finish off the month and then enjoy the sabbatical.

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