The event brought in a lot of fine fellers (and one great gal). We had Andy Hahn, Alexander MacLeod, Chris Bakal, Beaser, myself, Rich Tremain, and his gal Teressa. Wow! What a group. Andy's gal, Alex's, & mine's couldn't go - so it was quite the rooster show. Rhys was there with his boy Goose, so ya, lots of dudes on Richmond, as compared to on Church Street that night. Good times had by all. Someone thought it was a good idea to hit up the Crazy Horse Saloon for a 2:00 am drink - I don't know why. It seemed like we all had our fill, but such is the way judgements are made at times.
And here we go: Richy and Alex.
Beaser + Teressa
Bakal + Hahner
Being that it is Toronto and all, there is always a few weirdos and vagabonds kicking about. These three showed up; John, Ethan, & Emma Coups. And of course the next picture, well, they don't really need much of an introduction.