As the title says.... And maybe more like a mother - young animal adventure.....
It started last Thursday when my class went on a field trip to a local dairy farmer's operation a few kilometres from the school. We hit up the Angst Farm for a bit of an education on dairy farming and the process there-of. It was very fun. Peter and Denise are two great people. They have quite an operation with 60 milkers, and a bunch of heifers, and some calves too obviously. Their milking machine is robotic and the ladies get their udders empty as and when they want to or feel the need to do so. The seminar was about 75 mins. long and we got to see a wide variety of the aspects of this way of life.
A calf was born about 10 minutes just before we got there. Apparently mother and young are only together for about 12 hours - sometime less. Just enough time to get it up and walking, licked clean, and a drink of milk... Then it is off to a smaller pen. Off without their mothers. Forever. It does not sound that right.... No other mammal really operates like that. There are rare occasions like human adoption when quick separation like that occurs. Maybe in the wild many mothers abandon their young if they sense disease, illness or some other threat. But generally it is not the case. However many people enjoy their dairy products and simply do mind or care this practice goes on.
So this falconer stood out because he was quite in love with his birds, and the only cast member without super long hair and a beard.
On Saturday we loaded up and went out to Port Albert where they had the fish ladder going. It is a process of tagging, marking, and collecting fish roe and semen for the hatcheries in the area. There were lots of good sized fish and the samples were satisfactory I suppose. Lots of people generally go and watch the process. Again, humans are odd in many ways. I look at it as a type of socially acceptable voyeurism. I didn't take any pictures though - that'd be wrong! But it was a beauty of a day and we ran into a few other
We skidded east of Port Albert to check on the flock of lambs out at Larry's. It looked as if everyone there had a great arrival into this world and they seemed happy to see us too. The horses were outside getting some sun, the casts were in the barn, and there were a few chickens there too picking away at this and that off the ground.