Tuesday, December 15, 2015

December Note

With my bad luck streak long over, things are falling back into a bit of a routine around here.  There was 20 square feet of flooring that needed to be completed; flooring that wasn't done initially because I didn't think I had enough flooring to finish, but I did, eavestroughs needed to be cleaned, finally got my satellite dish hooked up, and a house to sell.  So not much of a problem or hard things to do.  Shelly had some decorating to do as well....

So my first love, the Quebec Street house, is currently being inspected as I type.  Our relationship started back in September of 2003, and she has been with me through the past 12 years of adventures and life.  But to be perfectly honest I am not all that sad to be parting ways.  It was good while it lasted, but I really don't need it any longer.  My friends who had lived in it moved out around the first of December.  Being empty, and clean, it wasn't going to look or show any more appealing then now.  I listed it on a Wednesday, and I had pretty much accepted an offer on Thursday before noon.  So it is all a win-win situation.  Thanks for the memories 117 Quebec.
Molly and I hit up a fundraising breakfast with Santa the other morning.  I didn't think she would go and sit on his knee, but she did.  She wasn't too chatty, and he had a hard time keeping her hands out of her mouth and what-not, but she did it.  There were all sorts of people there, and I saw so many people who I hadn't seen it quite sometime.
The flooring wasn't a big deal at all to finish.  it took longer to move the dresser and get all the tools and equipment in place....

Eavestrough cleaning wasn't a big deal either.  The weather has been so warm; well over 10 degrees centigrade.  I was in a t-short actually, and just scooping out handfuls of large leafs and pine needs, yet I don't have a pine tree anywhere near my house....  They were needle like something anyway.

We are all ready for snow, I suppose, and got the house churched up a bit too.

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